Professor Christoph C. Zielinski is currently medical director of Wiener Privatklinik in Vienna, Austria, and its
Before taking over these tasks, Prof. Zielinski was director of the Clinical Division of Oncology and of the Department of Medicine I as well as of the Comprehensive Cancer Center at Medical University Vienna and the General Hospital in Vienna, Austria, and as coordinator of the Vienna Cancer Center located within the larger context of the City of Vienna and its health authority.
Prof. Zielinski received his training in immunology, clinical immunology, medicine and medical oncology at the University of Vienna, Austria, and at Tufts University in Boston, Mass., USA.
In 2013, Professor Zielinski received an honorary doctorate degree from Titu Maiorescu University in Bucharest, Romania, and is an honorary member of the Polish Society for Oncology (2016).
He is member of the European Society for Medical Oncology, where he served as Council Member for many years and as founding Editor in Chief of the society’s scientific peer review journal “ESMO Open – Cancer Horizons“ for a total of eight years.
Prof. Zielinski has been awarded the highest recognition awards from the Republic of Austria, the City of Vienna, the Medical University Vienna and has become Fellow of the European Society for Medical Oncology (FESMO) in 2024.
Prof Zielinski is also a member of the American Society of Clinical Oncology and the American Association for Cancer Research.
He has published over 600 original papers and reviews in peer-reviewed journals, and many books. His h-index is 89 and the citations of scientific papers authored by him exceeds 34,000.
Wichtige Neuerungen ab 1. Jänner 2025
Wichtige Neuerungen ab 1. Jänner 2025
Wichtige Neuerungen ab 1. Jänner 2025
Wichtige Neuerungen ab 1. Jänner 2025
Aus Datenschutzgründen ist es uns nicht mehr möglich Befunde für Patienten abzufragen.
Wir ersuchen höflichst Ihre Befunde zu Ihrem Termin persönlich mitzubringen.
Aus Datenschutzgründen ist es uns nicht mehr möglich Befunde für Patienten abzufragen.
Wir ersuchen höflichst Ihre Befunde zu Ihrem Termin persönlich mitzubringen.
Aus Datenschutzgründen ist es uns nicht mehr möglich Befunde für Patienten abzufragen.
Wir ersuchen höflichst Ihre Befunde zu Ihrem Termin persönlich mitzubringen.
Aus Datenschutzgründen ist es uns nicht mehr möglich Befunde für Patienten abzufragen.
Wir ersuchen höflichst Ihre Befunde zu Ihrem Termin persönlich mitzubringen.
Medizinische Auskünfte per Email müssen auf Grund des damit verbundenen hohen Adminístrationsaufwands verrechnet werden.
Medizinische Auskünfte per Email müssen auf Grund des damit verbundenen hohen Adminístrationsaufwands verrechnet werden.
Medizinische Auskünfte per Email müssen auf Grund des damit verbundenen hohen Adminístrationsaufwands verrechnet werden.
Medizinische Auskünfte per Email müssen auf Grund des damit verbundenen hohen Adminístrationsaufwands verrechnet werden.
Important Information starting from January 1, 2025
Important Information starting from
January 1, 2025
Important Information starting from January 1, 2025
Important Information starting from January 1, 2025
For data protection reasons, it will no longer be possible for us to organize medical reports for patients starting from January 1, 2025. We kindly ask you to bring your medical reports with you to your appointment.
For data protection reasons, it will no longer be possible for us to organize medical reports for patients starting from January 1, 2025. We kindly ask you to bring your medical reports with you to your appointment.
For data protection reasons, it will no longer be possible for us to organize medical reports for patients starting from January 1, 2025. We kindly ask you to bring your medical reports with you to your appointment.
For data protection reasons, it will no longer be possible for us to organize medical reports for patients starting from January 1, 2025. We kindly ask you to bring your medical reports with you to your appointment.
Due to a frequently major administrative burden, we will have to charge for medical advise upon requests via eMail.
Due to a frequently major administrative burden, we will have to charge for medical advise upon requests via eMail.
Due to a frequently major administrative burden, we will have to charge for medical advise upon requests via eMail.
Due to a frequently major administrative burden, we will have to charge for medical advise upon requests via eMail.
Please note that the waiting time for an appointment is approximately 3-4 weeks.
In addition, please be informed that to an abundance of visitors who accompany our patients to the office, the number of individuals coming with each patient is restricted to one relative and perhaps a translator. Please plan accordingly.
Please be aware that already given appointments may be subject to change due to unexpected obligations Prof. Zielinski might have to follow. In such cases, an alternate date will be offered immediately.
Languages Spoken: Deutsch, English
Patients with disabilities welcome, but - due to infrastructural reasons regarding access to the office - not in wheelchairs.
Payment: Cash, Visa or Master Card.
We are devoted to give you the best kind of diagnostic workup and optimal oncologic treatment, but due to your disease we will not be able to guarantee an optimal outcome. As much as we are sorry for this, the severity of malignant diseases, their biology and their often unpredictable course force us to bring this aspect to your attention.
In order to ensure continuing care & maximum protection, we also have devised the possibility to contact us and get advise by telemedicine for a video consultation.
All appointments for patients from abroad can be made best via email: rh @ or, during business hours, under the phone number +43-1-408-60-20. Please note that the waiting time for an appointment is approximately 3-4 weeks.
The following lines intend to give you some information about the procedures you might want to expect when coming to see us:
if you are coming for first time to the office,
please download and fill in our patient form note and send it to by email to
• informing us about yourself and your disease. Thereafter, you will receive a detailed description of the required investigations before seeing Prof. Zielinski as well as a date for your consultation. As we cannot work up your case and all frequently random documents which you might want to send in its entirety by eMail, we ask you to fill out the form as meticulously as possible in order to allow us to make appropriate further diagnostic steps upon your arrival in Vienna.
• please be prepared that we will have to reassess a series of your previous investigations including histology, radiologic workup and laboratory assessments. In our country, physicians are highly specialized in their own field, and often require interdisciplinary consultations which increases the quality of our work. Thus, as medical oncologists, we e.g. do not do radiologic assessments, but need a radiologist for diagnosis and opinion. Thus, you have to be prepared to see a radiologist either for a second opinion or for a renewed investigation.
• after the obtainment of results of the mentioned second-opinion investigations and once you have settled your payment by bank transfer or credit card via PayPal, you will receive a date and time for your online video consultation. Please be prepared to inform us about your preferred online system Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Viber or Facetime and your corresponding ID.
• in case of suggested reassessments of diagnostic steps, we are afraid that these cannot be negotiated due to quality reasons.
• upon termination of the consultation or after the obtainment of results of additional investigations, you will receive a written recommendation for your further treatment. Please contact your oncologist for any further intervention and procedure based upon this recommendation and advice.
Cost estimates for investigations, diagnostic procedures or treatments you may receive from us upon your request, are the result of our corresponding enquiries with the respective partner institution, but are in no context with our own services and beyond our sphere of influence. Thus, such cost estimates are neither directly nor indirectly negotiable with our office.
Please send an email to rh @ within an appropriate interval before the planned visit (i.e. at least ONE MONTH) in order to accommodate your wish. We very gladly can help you then to obtain investigations necessary for the assessment of the course of your disease followed by a consultation in our office or a video consultation with Prof. Zielinski.
Please don’t forget to send us your preferred communication system (Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Viber or Facetime) and the corresponding ID.
In addition, please be informed that to an abundance of visitors who accompany our patients to the office, the number of individuals coming with each patient is restricted to one relative and perhaps a translator. Please plan accordingly.
Please be aware that already given appointments may be subject to change due to unexpected obligations Prof. Zielinski might have to follow. In such cases, an alternate date will be offered immediately.
Languages Spoken: Deutsch, English
Patients with disabilities welcome, but - due to infrastructural reasons regarding access to the office - not in wheelchairs.
Payment: Cash, Visa or Master Card.
We are devoted to give you the best kind of diagnostic workup and optimal oncologic treatment, but due to your disease we will not be able to guarantee an optimal outcome. As much as we are sorry for this, the severity of malignant diseases, their biology and their often unpredictable course force us to bring this aspect to your attention.
Professor Christoph C. Zielinski is currently medical director of Wiener Privatklinik in Vienna, Austria, and its
Before taking over these tasks, Prof. Zielinski was director of the Clinical Division of Oncology and of the Department of Medicine I as well as of the Comprehensive Cancer Center at Medical University Vienna and the General Hospital in Vienna, Austria, and as coordinator of the Vienna Cancer Center located within the larger context of the City of Vienna and its health authority.
Prof. Zielinski received his training in immunology, clinical immunology, medicine and medical oncology at the University of Vienna, Austria, and at Tufts University in Boston, Mass., USA.
In 2013, Professor Zielinski received an honorary doctorate degree from Titu Maiorescu University in Bucharest, Romania, and is an honorary member of the Polish Society for Oncology (2016).
He is member of the European Society for Medical Oncology, where he served as Council Member for many years and as founding Editor in Chief of the society’s scientific peer review journal “ESMO Open – Cancer Horizons“ for a total of eight years.
Prof. Zielinski has been awarded the highest recognition awards from the Republic of Austria, the City of Vienna, the Medical University Vienna and has become Fellow of the European Society for Medical Oncology (FESMO) in 2024.
Prof Zielinski is also a member of the American Society of Clinical Oncology and the American Association for Cancer Research.
He has published over 600 original papers and reviews in peer-reviewed journals, and many books. His h-index is 89 and the citations of scientific papers authored by him exceeds 34,000.